
The practice is available every day (including weekends) between 9.00 and 17.00 for questions and making or rescheduling appointments on: (0412) 62 75 60.

One of our assistants Annemiek van de Ven or Anne-Marie Leijten will answer the phone when you call. This ensures that, during the consultation our Midwifes have plenty of time to talk with our clients without interruptions. Midwife- related questions will always be answered by our midwifes.

The first appointment shall take place between week 7 and 9 of your pregnancy. You can call us to make an appointment as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test. You can also use the ‘application form’ (registration form) under the section ‘contact’ and we will call you as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.

If you are under supervision of a gynecologist, you will need a midwife to assist you with the aftercare after delivery . We provide this care and you are welcome around the 30th week of your pregnancy to come to our practice for an introductory meeting. We will explain to you what we can do for you and you will receive information about the practice and a number of other topics. To make an appointment you can call us on 0412-62 75 60 or use the ‘registration form’.

For urgent matters or when you are in labour, you can always call the midwife on duty: 06-55 88 44 55.

The midwife on call always has a mobile phone with her so you have direct contact with her. It can happen that they are not able to take the call, but then try again, if possible, in a few minutes. If there isn’t a response, call the hospital Bernhoven – (0413-404040) – and ask the front desk if they call midwifery practice Ridderhof. They immediately contact us, and we call you back as soon as possible.

So you can always reach us!

Our practice area covers the area a circle around Maren-Kessel, Geffen, Nistelrode, Oss, Ravenstein and Megen. We have consultations 5 days a week and an evening consultation on Wednesday.
Our consultation are on the following locations:



Raadhuislaan 21b
5341 GL Oss 

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Gezondheidscentrum Heesch
Gildestraat 1E
5384 JC Heesch

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Huisartsenpraktijk Nistelrode
Beekgraaf 58A
5388 CV Nistelrode

We’re reachable via the Hoogstraat in Nistelrode.

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